SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ CA Debonder (1 oz.) by BSI

SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ CA Debonder (1 oz.) by BSI


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SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ CA Debonder (1 oz.) by BSI


SpeedTek RC UN-CURE™ debonder will soften cured CA. If parts are bonded incorrectly or your fingers are stuck together, a few drops of SpeedTek RC UN-CURE™ will dissolve the CA in about a minute. Apply on bonded skin and roll apart fingers. Once stuck, use acetone to clean off softened CA, then wash off with soap and water. Since cured CA is essentially acrylic plastic, anything that will dissolve CA will also soften most plastics. Care must be used, therefore, when using SpeedTek RC Un-Cure on plastics. Separating plastics parts with a razor saw is usually the best option.



SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ will soften cured super glue (aka cyanoacrylate, CA). To release bonded skin (not near the eyes) apply SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™, then use a small, rounded object like a paperclip to separate the skin with a peeling action, applying more SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ as needed until the skin areas are debonded. Wash the area with soap and water. The natural shedding of the skin’s outer layer will remove any residual CA within 12 hr. For removing CA from hard surfaces, soak a cloth or paper towel in SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ and rub areas vigorously. SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™, however, will mar most plastics.



1 x SpeedTek RC Un-Cure™ CA Debonder (1 oz.) by BSI